In this episode, we finish talking about the Olympics, as well as tackle Climate Change. Turn on your AC and get ready for some heat for this show!
Alexander Kieth’s Beer: I’m being unfair to them. I drink them even when I have other options, but my dad is a big fan. The internet, not so much [1]
Powerpoint for Graphic Novels: You might think I’m crazy, but people are doing it. I’d send you link, but they would all be powerpoint… In any case there is a promise of more to come on this, as comics will begin to play a bigger role in the future.
Optimal Work Hours: I work what many are now considering the optimal amount of hours for better cognative functions.[2] Of course, that doesn’t factor the work I do for Sketchy, so I guess I’m still screwed.
Hottest Year on Record: It doesn’t get any hotter than this, folks. 2016 was the hottest year since they started tracking this stuff, at least according to NASA.[3]
Climate Denial Keeps Happening: Brian Cox was debating an Australian Senator about the reality of climate change. This guy admits he’s no scientist, but remember that the audience member in the video ask for evidence.[4]
The So-Called Power of Positive Thinking: If you’ve never heard of the book and “movie” The Secret, you’re the lucky one. Not a big fan of this idea of wishful thinking for material goods having any really value. Read the reviews and weep for humanity.[5]
Sex-Olympics: How much sex actually happens at the Olympics? Well, according to this article, a shitload. Thank god they want all those condoms.[6]
Zika Virus Warnings: If you are travelling to the state that’s soon to be underwater, I recommend visiting the CDC’s website first.[7] Did we mention that there was a study that found it shrunk the testicles of test mice like crazy? Could this be the end of us?[8]
Donald Trump’s Slump: There was a time when there was a ray of hope that Trump might not win. He was beginning to show signs of being tired of having to actually work. Problem with the polls turned out that people weren’t actually being totally honest. Is there a better way to proceed? [9]
Stalone’s Disaster Movie: The reference to the Stalone movie is “Daylight”, filmed in 1996. Americans hated it, but internationally it was a giant hit. There’s even a little wink to the audience when Stalone breaks the fourth wall [10]
Oswald’s Early Sniper Attempts: So it turns out Kennedy was not the only target for Oswald. Normally you don’t hear about this guy because it doesn’t sound like a sexy conspiracy. But there you have it. General Walker was spared as a killer was trying to find his mark.[11]
Russian Doping Scandal: When you talk about anything involving Russia, you’re pretty sure that your life might be in serious danger. [12]
It’s Just a Hug: Need more proof that journalist infantalize the news? How about a sports reporter who can’t even be grown up enough to admit there’s bacon being made on that beach [13]
Ryan Lochte’s Final Punishment: So once the dust settled on the Ryan Lochte business, they gave him a 10 months suspention and is banned from this year’s World Championships. The team mates had to pay a bunch of cash to get out, and Brazil tried to rattle it’s sabre at him.[14]
The Financial Reality of Bribery: If you think any modern company doesn’t have a fat bank account with a steady stash of bribery money, then you don’t know world finance [15]
No Man’s Sky Review: Unlike most people who played it, I wasn’t as negative and harsh in my critique. Perhaps it’s because I *almost over by the hype, and I just enjoyed the audacity of such a project. I think people forget that there were only a few people involved. It’s when Sony got involved that things got out of hand. Sony disagrees.[16]
Final Thoughts on Rio: Mr. B’s predictions are straight out of Nostradamus. With the exception of his hopeful view, the political situation in Brazil doesn’t get better by the day. As for my cynicism, let’s hope my predictions keep being wrong. Still at least all the tourists saved money on all those prostitutes [17]
[1] https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/6994/264/
[2] https://www.melbourneinstitute.com/downloads/working_paper_series/wp2016n07.pdf
[3] https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/climate-trends-continue-to-break-records/
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxEGHW6Lbu8
[5] https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Extended-Rhonda-Byrne/product-reviews/B000K8LV1O
[6] http://www.rollingstone.com/sports/olympic-sex-how-much-are-athletes-having-at-rio-games-w433703
[7] https://www.cdc.gov/zika/intheus/florida-update.html
[8] http://www.nature.com/articles/nature20556.epdf?referrer_access_token=dpqd5iLU4OgrUaCACwYEktRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0P38OiOkKRsZy109RRfWY1JelQ-jxodGp8DRDBgPBusxZWYuQe1vzZjf-X9CBwwl6-jErGvABlXLkEXseu-Dnb9phKS5kAo09HOA9wOHnPTAyKTBSCWoPdHbvGVTjkZ6w05HEnF95IZ96J3RgG_YahcvI_YTTesdQQ7Ro8i8McCJ6osWWY0CmvQGviaarlHFfJG9LxrLS2M8dvQmtWQfUOE7U5DxcXQP62EuuXkzazh3Q%3D%3D&tracking_referrer=www.scientificamerican.com
[9] http://www.nature.com/news/the-polling-crisis-how-to-tell-what-people-really-think-1.20815
[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_(1996_film)
[11] http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/walker.txt
[12] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/08/15/russian-doping-whistleblowers-imply-their-lives-may-be-in-danger/?utm_term=.687d78b16706
[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYBc0cdg2VU
[14] http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/rio-2016/2016/09/07/olympian-ryan-lochte-suspended-world-championships-rio-summer-games-usoc/89979684/
[15] http://www.reuters.com/article/us-imf-corruption-idUSKCN0Y22B7
[16] http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinmurnane/2016/09/17/sony-appears-to-tell-to-no-mans-sky-developer-sean-murray-that-its-all-his-fault/#c5d0ec03c44c
[17] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3673403/Sex-sessions-13-THREESOME-just-9-Disappointed-prostitutes-Rio-launch-supermarket-sale-Olympic-Games-World-Cup-flop.html