The Design of Crap: Ever wonder why some products look like crap? There are good reasons for it. Sometimes, you don’t want to look too good.
Alcohol Percentage (Retraction): So 100 proof alcohol is actually only 50%. That’s the way the system works. So for alcohol to be 90%, you need 180 proof. Not something you can easily find, btw. Continue reading →
Cold Welding In Space: When you don’t live in an atmosphere like earth, things get a little weird. For starters, it means that there are things you can do there that you can’t on earth, the most impressive of which is “Cold Welding”. Scott Manley has a really cool video about that, and guns in space. [1]
Weapons in Space: there’s more than just guns up there too. There’s a long history of people trying shit up there, but honestly, the damage you could do with a crowbar is way too much already [2] Continue reading →
The Live Telethon: In 2013, in an attempt to try and generate both interest and enough money for printing my book “Bible Stories”, I did a 12 hour telethon streamed on Youtube. We perhaps had a maximum audience size of 30 or so people. Still, some of them watched the whole show, so there are some hard-core listeners out there.
How You Never Buy Anything Anymore: I’m not the only one who thinks this is bogus: electronic purchases are in fact long term rentals. You don’t own anything anymore. [1] Continue reading →
Japanese Drinking Habits: The Japanese are actually way crazier drinkers than you ever imagined. Your future job prospects often depend on how you can handle your drink. Makes me glad this shit hasn’t caught on over here, but we’re not as over worked as the poor Japanese. [1]
The History of Human Rituals: Perhaps we wouldn’t have so many social problems if we were able to make more rituals that would allow people to find their place in society. [2] Continue reading →
The Cubs Win the Penant: I guess it’s news when a baseball team that hasn’t won in a century wins again. Many people said it predicted bad things to come, like Trump winning. [1] Although I claim baseball is “dying”, it’s true that their numbers are up. Still, is it actually any better? [2] For that matter, does the next generation want to play and populate it?
The De-Colonization of Science: This is the problem when people think that “narratives” define reality. It’s nothing more than a new wave religion that aims to de-legitimize the actual work people do to understand the world. If you can stomach this sort of thing, what this video.[4] It may have something to do with low graduation rates and poor passing grade there, I’m not sure. [5] Continue reading →
Child prodigy born in a bit of strange isolation. He had hives, so the doctors thought it was a good idea to isolate him during the first few months of his life. This was standard procedure back then, and it would appear that the baby was very distant and unresponsive to affection at first.During his childhood, he would “shut down” for a while, and then go into fits of rage. Continue reading →
Paramount Sues Star Trek Fan Film: After launching a successful kickstarter campaign for over 1 million dollars, the creators of Star trek “Axanar” are being sued by Paramount and CBS.[1] Trying to control one’s content however can be tricky: Paramount will need to prove that every part of their Universe is currently being exploited and profits are in danger as a result of the film [2]
Star Wars Kills Extended Universe: In order to regain controll over their content, Disney has decided to kill all the continued history that came from novels, comics and other stories. [3] Continue reading →
J.D. Salinger hated his Popularity: I mean, imagine if your book had inspired a bunch of psychos? I’d want to hide in my own shack and only release everything after I have already died. I also recommend watching the documentary “Salinger” [2] Did you want to read his new stories? I feel like the marketing department dropped the ball on this one. I had to look hard to find this link [3]
The Wild World of Tomi Ungerer: I never actually read his stories as a child, but I know I would have love the artwork. It’s so weird and dark, but in a childish way. Perfect for a man that blended the two together. [4] Continue reading →
This episode, we talk about one of the dumbest thing humans do: try and mess up their biological clock for a bunch of farmers. Tune in!
Apple vs FBI: The speed of news is so rapid, most of us have probably forgotten all about this story, despite the terrifying consequences. Turns out that rather than get Apple to build a backdoor, the NSA found a third option, which is terrifying when you think about it. [1]
The NSA doesn’t Hire Pot Smokers (Retraction): It turns out that it’s the FBI that has this policy, not the NSA.[2] However, I did manage to find some proof that the NSA has a section that asks if the applicant has done drugs, so it could still be true. [3] Continue reading →
This episode, we talk about Generational Theory, and weird and creepy 80’s music videos. Watch this and get informed!
Falco’s “Der Kommisar”: Maybe when it first came out, this video was cool. But time has not been kind to Falco. Apparently 4 minutes of running in front of a blue screen doesn’t age well. Who knew?[1]
Lionel Richie’s Creepy “Hello” Video: Speaking of videos that don’t age well, Lionel Richie would probably be called “problamatic” for his stalking teacher obsessed with a blind student train wreck video. A must watch.[2] Continue reading →