To Pirate, or Not to Pirate

The Good Atheist Shorts
The Good Atheist Shorts
To Pirate, or Not to Pirate

In this short from TGA Episode 20, recorded on May 8th, 2008, Ryan and I argue if pirating movies or music is ethical. For context, it involved a movie by Ben Stein called “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”, which argued that alternatives explanation to evolution were being suppressed.  You decide who won or lost!

The Miracle of Gristle

The Good Atheist Shorts
The Good Atheist Shorts
The Miracle of Gristle

In this snippet from 2007 we discuss the phenomenon of people seeing God in the most mundane things, like food. Don’t miss this classic.


The Good Atheist Shorts
The Good Atheist Shorts

Back in 2007, Ryan and I were invited to a wedding, and as you might imagine, I was a dick the whole time I was stuck inside the church. Find out why!

Karma Sucks

The Good Atheist Shorts
The Good Atheist Shorts
Karma Sucks

What is karma, and why does it suck so much? It’s got something to do with Hinduism, but tune in to find out!