Star trek Renegade movie (9/10): The actors here are almost all top notch, and the cinematography (while a little close) is good. The script is a little violent for me, but otherwise it’s a treat for star trek fans. [6]
Star Trek New Voyages (6/10) While the sets, costumes and cinematography are all there, it’s the wooden acting that make it almost impossible to watch. That, and the terrible audio work. [7]
Star Trek Hidden Frontiers (4/10) The special effects are pretty aweful. It’s greenscreen city here. The writing is actually not too bad (it has that sci-fi vibe), but the bad effects are too horrible. It’s better to listen than to watch this one. Oh, and they actually stole the main theme from Galazy Quest. Hilarious. [8]
Star Trek Exeter (8.5/10): Only seconded by the production value of Continues, Exeter is brilliantly filmed, and well written. My only complaint is with the Captain, who always looks like he’s surprised to be there.Some of the supporting actors are amazing however, and really pull a believable performance.[9]
Star Trek Odessey (6/10): One wonders what these ambitious people could have done with a budget and actual practical sets. Still, when none of those are involved, it makes it real hard to watch. Hope they keep at it though. [10]
Star trek Pheonix: (7/10) The writing isn’t too shabby, but some of the lines of dialogn are delivered…the main guy sounds like he’s got a huge piece of gum stuck in his mouth. Still, special effects are cool, and the music works well, as does the audio.[10]
Star Wars Fan Movie Awards: After years of successfuly exploiting their fans, Star Wars was smart enough to actually reward their fans rather then sue them. [12]
Star Wars is Science Fantasy, not Science Fiction: Most people think that Star Wars is science fiction, but it is in fact science fantasy [13]
Dumping Milk: Because American and Canadian milk producers make too much and want to control the prices, they dump the milk in the waterways or in the dirt. [14]
Star Trek vs Star Wars Poll: A link to the site to vote on which series in better. [15]